Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why justnicolephicole you may ask?

Thank you for asking.
Here goes...
My name is "nicole phicole" because one day in 1999, I was doodling at a music conference... (doodling is something I do so I can listen better) My friend Brandon started laughing at me (the uncontrollable- but I am on the front row in church-kind of laughter) and pointed at my paper. There before me was the most beautiful doodle of my name... but then he pointed out that at the center of it was not "Nicole Phifer Huett"... I had worked on a full page picture around "Nicole Phicole Huett"...
Who does that? Haha me. 
Needless to say, I still have friends who call me Phicole. For some reason, I feel like this story is a small glimpse into my little world.

Maybe, what ever stories and topics I chose to write about will do the same. I played "Penny" in You Can't Take It with You in collage... she wrote plays because a type writer was delivered to her house by mistake one day. I am not sure that starting this blog is not that far from the same idea...